MD Message

MD's Message
Ken Matsumura
Managing Director
Good morning, Myanmar!
Forval Myanmar Co., Ltd. had started since 2014 April. I am a first MD of FVLMM. We opened the gate with “Recruiting Services” and “Consulting for Japanese Investors” at first. Then we expanded our business portfolio to “Training Business” starting from September 2014 and “Business Consultation” from April 2015 and “IT business” from December 2015 one by one.
Our Mission is ……..
Contributing to Myanmar’s independence, development and happiness and Japanese Companies’ success though our services, then tightening the bondage between two nations will be realized. FVLMM’s corporate principle is “Sharing”. By sharing knowledge, information, skill, we can contribute to the clients and society.
Lastly, let me share our disciplines to get the extremely differentiated brand image.
1. Bright, Vivid, Honest
2. Observe what we said 3. Be your/our teacher
4. Focus on Here and Now
5. Never, never, ever give up We would like to share all values with you, customer, partner and stakeholders as well.